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Licensure Journey

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has a licensing department specifically for preschools, daycares, and the like. There are unique rules, codes, procedures and more that all licensed care facilities must follow for the safety and protection of your children. Here are just a few items that need to be in place and are checked out by a licensing agent before opening:

*Fire Code and Safety Inspection: Our local fire inspector must walk through and provide a detailed report as to areas that meet fire code. This includes sprinkler and smoke detector systems, clearly marked exits, safety drills and plans, and electrical outlet covers to name just a few.

*State requirements for adult staff to children ratios: The State of Ohio puts staff-to-child ratios in place so that children are adequately cared for and monitored. This ratio changes depending upon the age of the children and our plans are to have even better ratios than what the State requires, meaning your children will be in classes where the adult attention will not be as divided among classmates.

*Staff background checks and training: All staff members working with children are required to have a BCI/FBI finger-printing and background check completed prior to working. Staff are required to attend regular trainings on first aid, communicable diseases, infant and child CPR, and child abuse prevention.

These are just a few of the highlights, but as you can see, Tri-Village Christian Academy will be a very safe, secure and welcoming environment for your child!

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